Change Playlist Order
The playlist order is determined by the alphabetical order of the filenames. To change the order, you can prepend the file names using a two or three digit number (e.g. 00, 01, 02, etc.) to force the order that you want.
To rename files in an existing item, follow these steps, starting at the item page:
1. Click Edit
2. Click change the files.
3. Right-click or Control-click on files you want to delete and select Rename from the menu.
4. Rename the file(s).
5. Click Update Item
Change Playlist Titles
To change playlist titles in an existing item follow these steps, starting at the item page:
1. Click Edit
2. Click Change the information
3. Scroll down to the Files, Formats & Derivatives section
4. Enter a title in the Title field next to the file name.
5. Click Submit
Add an Image or Cover Art in the Audio Player
An uploaded image file will automatically be displayed in the audio player. Ideally, the image would be at minimum 750p wide. Images should be jpg, png or gif format.
If you upload multiple images, you can select one to be displayed in the player by following these steps from the item page.
1. Click Edit
2. Click Change the information
3. Scroll down to the Files, Formats & Derivatives section.
4. In the Format drop-down menu, next to the file name, choose Item Image.
5. Click Submit
Your new image will appear to the left of the player.