How do I “Favorite” an item?
To Favorite an item, select the star icon that is just below the player on the right side.
Once you have clicked the button, the star will be colored yellow to indicated that the item has indeed been favorited.
The item will now be stored in your favorites.
Where are my favorites?
Click your screen name and select the My Favorites from the menu.
You can click this option from anywhere in the site.
You will be taken to your favorites page where you will view all the items you have favorited.
Can I remove a Favorite?
If you have accidentally favorited an item, or you no longer want an item to be favorited, you can remove it from your Favorites page.
Select the Remove items on the favorites page.
After you have clicked on Remove items a red X will be located over each of your items.
Click on the red X that is on the item you would like to remove. It will be removed instantaneously with no request for confirmation.
You can always add the item to your favorites again after you have removed it.
Can I add an avatar image to my favorites page?
Yes, you can.
Find the image on your device you would like to use as an avatar.
Ensure that the image is around 500p x 500p or at least 500px high or wide. (If your image is too large, you won’t be able to upload it.)
Simply drag that image over the placeholder image next to your name.
Then click submit and your image will be uploaded.